
Stop the Train (I’m Leaving)

Jari Genser at Pettenbach railway station

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Stop the Train (I'm Leaving)
© Jari Genser


Jari Genser worked at Pettenbach train station

Jari Genser’s artistic interest centres on his workspace. Jari Genser paints pictures of pictures and the places where they are created. He deals with the objects he finds there and the traces we leave on them and they leave in us.

Jari Genser’s pictures are created at different times – he always paints where he is not at the time. At Bahnhof Pettenbach, he processes his last artist residency in Paris and relates it to his time in the Salzkammergut. Using large-format mirrors, the two places merge into an immersive spatial installation that spans a narrative arc from Paris to Pettenbach and beyond.

Jari Genser has also explored the theme of railway travel and stations at Pettenbach station. In the second room, he presents a series of photos that trace a fictitious journey from Paris to Pettenbach. Dreaming of distant cities is as much a part of this site-specific work as a strong reference to the place where it is shown. Railway stations are often non-places, places of waiting and transit. Jari Genser gained a new perspective on these often overlooked places through the artist residency in the former railway attendant’s cottage.

no barrier-free access
OEBB transport area – children only under supervision
No public WC  / rented toilet available

Salt Lake Cities

Regional empty spaces as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in these spaces and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Bahnhof Pettenbach
Bahnhofstraße, 4643 Pettenbach
