

Markus Moser

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© Markus Moser


Markus Moser exhibition at Pettenbach railway station

Markus Moser, wire artist from the Almtal valley, forms a link with his works from the northernmost railway station in the Capital of Culture region, Pettenbach, to its southernmost, Tauplitz. 
In Pettenbach, the vacancy is evident, as the remnants of the former staff’s activities such as folders, desks, coffee pots, work instructions, keys and much more still characterise the room when you look through the window. Moser supplements and exaggerates this setting with comparable objects such as a sharpener, pencil, stapler and a socket. However, these are moulded from wire in his characteristic manner and greatly enlarged. The oversized utensils made of thin wire grow out of the empty space and thus refer to activities from the past. As always in his works, the artist plays with illusion, as the seemingly drawn lines in the room only hint at the actual object.

Also worth seeing in the station through the windows from the outside is the adjoining room, the abandoned dispatcher’s room, a remnant of days gone by.   

Limited barrier-free access
OEBB transport area – children only under supervision
No public WC  / rented toilet available

Salt Lake Cities

Regional vacancies as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in them and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Bahnhof Pettenbach
Bahnhofstraße, 4643 Pettenbach
