
Relief / Terrain – Acousmatic concert

09/08/24Friday, 19:30 - 21:00further appointments Landesmusikschule Bad IschlGassnerweg 9, 4820 Bad Ischl
Free entryRegistration requested
Friday / Saturday
© water sound flows


The Salzkammergut is characterised by rugged mountain ranges such as the Dachstein massif, the Tote Gebirge and the Salzkammergut mountains. These mountains consist mainly of limestone and dolomite, which gives them a striking and rugged profile. The relief was formed by the erosion of glaciers during the ice ages and by flowing waters, which left behind deep valleys and numerous lakes.

In this acousmatic concert for 20 loudspeakers, we present electro-acoustic compositions inspired by these landscape forms and interpret them in the courtyard of the imperial stables. The pieces utilise field recordings, i.e. original recordings made at various locations in the region. Synthetic soundscapes are added, reflecting the textures and forms of the terrain.

Compositions by: Kasho Chualan, Thomas Grill, Jonas Hammerer, Wolfgang Musil, Markus Sepperer, Finnian Treherne

Water Sound Flows

Thomas Grill and his team connect the places of the region by presenting the sounds of water in different forms, using various artistic strategies.
More about the project at

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Landesmusikschule Bad Ischl
Gassnerweg 9, 4820 Bad Ischl
