
Free Media – International perspectives on media freedom

07/06/24Alten Kurdirektion Buchhandlung
Bahnhofstraße 6, 4820 Bad Ischl


What's the state of media freedom in this country and elsewhere?

Together with Free Radio B138, the FRS is bringing international voices on this topic to Bad Ischl.Media makers from Hungary and Serbia will report on their experiences with restrictions on media freedom:Jovana Tripunovic, political scientist and podcaster from Serbia, Ákos Cserháti, radio producer and activist from Hungary, Simon Inou, media critic and journalist from Cameroon, and Gabriella Velics, university professor and media scientist.
All interested parties are cordially invited to come along and join in the discussion!

ONLINE! DORF TV will broadcast the event as a live stream on

Radio Transfer

A networking project of Austria’s independent media. Representatives of Austria’s independent media and their partners will launch community building measures such as workshops, discourse events and concerts with local initiatives and international radio producers in 2023 as part of the Capital of Culture 2024.
More about the project at

Event info

Alten Kurdirektion Buchhandlung
Bahnhofstraße 6, 4820 Bad Ischl