

Marit Wolters

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© Marit Wolters


Marit Wolters in the artist studios of the Eggenberg Castle Brewery

People create a wide variety of architecture to protect themselves from their environment, to utilise it or to design it according to their own ideas. In European palaces, architectural ideas began to be transferred to garden design as early as the Baroque period – garden architecture was born. The growth of nature was cultivated and symbolised the power that rulers were able to exert over their environment. Even today, this highly geometric form of design still characterises our idea of a castle park. For aristocratic hunts, which were used for exercise and also to demonstrate power, temporary architecture made of cloth was stretched between poles and trees. This made it possible to round up the game, which could no longer escape the deadly shots. If an animal did escape, it would “slip through the fingers” of the hunting party.

Salt Lake Cities

Regional empty spaces as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in these spaces and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Brauerei Schloss Eggenberg - Altes Sudhaus
Eggenberg 1, 4655 Vorchdorf
