
Opening: Ceija Stojka. Hope – that was what strenghtened us

A multidisciplinary exhibition at museum.ebensee 2024

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Ceija-Stojka-Ausstellung_web Museum Ebensee
© Ceija Stojka International Association


The Museum Ebensee is opening its doors for Ceija Stojka. Hope - that was what strenghtened us.
In the work of Ceija Stojka (1933 – 2013), life shines and, in the end, hope survives. The exhibition shows pictures and texts that tell the story of this unique artist, activist, and Romni. The exhibition will be introduced by a varied program on the opening weekend with a concert by the Harri Stojka acoustic drive trio.

Opening weekend

Free admission, registration required at (places limited) 

FRIDAY, 5 July 2024

6:00 pm
Opening of the exhibition Ceija Stojka – Hope : that was what strengthened us.

Concert for the exhibition opening Ceija Stojka – Hope : that was what strengthened us.
Harri Stojka acoustic drive trio

SATURDAY, 6 July 2024

16:00 – 18:00 
Film & exhibition
Film screening (town hall hall, Hauptstraße 34): “Kitchen Talks with Rebel Women”, with filmmaker Karin Berger, 80′, 1984

Followed by a walk to the Museum Ebensee 

6.30 pm
Commented tour of the exhibition “Female Voices and Resistance” with Karin Berger, Lorely French, Mario Friedwagner, Carina Kurta

SUNDAY, 7 July 2024

11:00 am – 1:00 pm 
Discussion & reading on the exhibition “Ceija Stojka: Hope was what strengthened us”
with Dr. Winfried Garscha (DÖW), presentation of the NEH Collaborative Research Project on Ceija Stojka’s diaries with Lorely French, Carina Kurta, reading: Nuna Stojka and Birgit C. Krammer 

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Museum.Ebensee - Begegnung Kultur & Geschichte
Kirchengasse 6, 4802 Ebensee
