
Office “Hoamatsamt”

Leonhard Immervoll and Petra Anlanger at Bad Aussee railway station

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© Leonhard Immervoll


Leonhard Immervoll and Petra Anlanger are civil servants at Bad Aussee railway station

Leonhard Immervoll’s and Petra Anlanger’s research in the Salzkammergut repeatedly raises the following question: “Who determines what tradition should be and who is allowed to use it and how?”
Costumes, folk dance and folklore music and customs have been adapted again and again in local redefinitions at the latest with the beginning of summer holidays and the cultural exchange that accompanied them. Folklore music, lifestyle and customs were repeatedly adapted in local redefinitions at the latest with the beginning of the summer holidays and the accompanying cultural exchange, but were also dissected, blurred, distorted or reinterpreted in a way that was torn apart.
The frequently used word “identity” means understanding oneself outside of geographical space. Above all, however, politics, business and the media claim terms such as:

In the form of a performative interactive installation, visitors are invited to engage in dialogue with Petra Anlanger and Leonhard Immervoll in order to approach the question and to find new approaches.
A fictitious authority is created for this purpose, in which all people can acquire a certificate of homeland and customs.
A multi-stage programme must be completed, because local and international customs are a serious matter.

Red White Red Card was yesterday, come to Ausseerland and acquire the “globalised” certificate of homeland and customs.

No barrier-free access (one step into the studio)
OEBB transport area – children only under supervision
Public toilet

Salt Lake Cities

Regional vacancies as places of experience and meeting places for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists* from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in them and activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Bahnhof Bad Aussee
Bahnhofstraße 61, 8990 Bad Aussee
