
Music as a guest

Roithamer Wirtshausmusi

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Musik zu Gast
© Wirtshauslabor


No pub without music, no music without a regulars' table
Wirtshauslabor on a musical and culinary voyage of discovery

Roithamer Wirtshausmusi
With traditional and seasonally orientated home cooking from Austria and Portugal, the family business in the heart of Ebensee is always cosmopolitan. In the early evening, the “Roithamer Wirtshausmusi”, an ensemble that has travelled upriver from the Traunfall, plays and creates a good atmosphere that spans the globe.

For this project, however, the musicians leave the local regulars’ table to play in another, distant inn in the Salzkammergut. From 12 July to 20 September 2024, small ensembles of passionate amateur musicians will be making guest appearances in inns in the region, providing an opportunity for exchange, conversation and a series of successful evenings and many a cosy afternoon in the inn.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens, Macht und Tradition

Event info

Gasthof Auerhahn
Bahnhofstraße 55, 4802 Ebensee