
Workshop: Lime mortar and lime plaster

Restoration of the Imperial Stables in Grundlsee

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© Friedrich_Idam


Lime mortar is characterized by good workability and favorable structural-physical properties. However, the craftsman's knowledge of correct processing is no longer available in its original breadth. in the workshop "Lime Mortar", the production and practical processing of lime mortar is shown and implemented on a listed object (Imperial Stable, Grundlsee).

Contents: Supplementation and consolidation of lime plasters and stone masonry in lime technology, damage analysis, realisation of sample surfaces

Target group: Bricklayers and stonemasons with a basic course or experience in the preservation of historical buildings, restorers of stone and architectural surfaces:for stone and architectural surfaces, employees of the Federal Monuments Office and public building authorities, planners, architects 

Simple Smart Buildings

What materials and techniques have been used in the past to build resilient houses? Which of these building methods have proven to be durable, sustainable and beautiful in the long term? An exploration with workshops and lectures as participatory knowledge transfer.
More about the project at

Globalokal – Building the New

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Kaiserlicher Stall in Grundlsee
