
Grand opening: Kunst erFAHRen


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Kunst erFAHRen
© Stern Verkehr in Kooperation mit Universität für Angewandte Kunst


Students from the University of Art and Design Linz in the fields of experimental design and sculpture - transmedia space will be playing at 3 Traunsee streetcar stations as part of the Capital of Culture Year 2024 in the Salzkammergut.

The Traunseetram, both an inner-city means of transport and a regional train, connects people with cultural capital locations, history, tradition and modernity. Passengers experience sustainable art (installations) at stops and thus experience visions of energy and mobility.

The Department of Experimental Design and Sculpture at the University of Art and Design Linz are also involved in the Kunst erFAHRen project under the direction and curation of Hannes Zebedin, Ali Janka, Tobias Urban and Miriam Schwahn: Students are designing streetcar stops for the Traunseetram in Gmunden and the surrounding area, specifically in Engelhof and Karl z’Neuhub – as a kind of symbol for the cultural development of the city and region.

In the interventionist works entitled “SOWEIT”, students Katrin Limberger, Felix Brinkmann and Jonathan Weiss from the Experimental Design class question the limits of the usual way of carrying on. Appropriation of fire warning signs, model-like thinking on a 1:1 scale and (un)desired migrant movement, represented by tents in nest form, are combined into a joint statement by means of a text installation.

By means of musical intervention and ephemeral sculpture, the sculpture department of the University of Art and Design Linz “weaves a more is more. It will be blown, ribbons will be used, portals will be boned, all at the same time, a heap of local and personal customs, until the train departs”.

Günter Neumann, Managing Director of Stern & Hafferl Verkehrsgesellschaft, which operates the Traunseetram: “The joint project ‘Kunst erFAHRen’ shows the diversity of art, on the one hand a depiction of permanent art objects and also a musical intervention, which was preceded by many different aspects and considerations. This turns our stops into public exhibitions.”


June 21, 2024
Opening of stops at Engelhof station and Karl z’Neuhub

19.00 Departure Traunseetram at Engelhof station
19.08 Arrival Karl z’Neuhub
20.20 Musical intervention at the Karl z’Neuhub stop
Return journey from Karl z’Neuhub to Engelhof station 
20.28 Arrival at Engelhof station 
20.30 Opening artistic intervention at Engelhof station

Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Bahnhof Engelhof
Engelhofstraße 11, 4810 Gmunden