
Final presentation: Chronically unwritten

"Slide evening" presentation of the results

15/11/24Pfarrheim Unterach am AtterseeKirchenplatz 4, 4866 Unterach am Attersee
Schiff Unterach bei Anlegestelle ca 1945 Quelle Brost
© Brost


The project invites the population of Unterach to actively participate in the development process of the new community chronicle.

Who knows what? Anyone and everyone who is interested in past events in Unterach is cordially invited! Objects with an interesting story to tell or photos and old newspapers are also welcome! In addition to many knowledge stations, there will be a workshop for those interested on the topic of Atterwiki – how to post contributions, what questions about copyrights need to be considered….
Together we want to record the history(s) of our town and its inhabitants!

More about the project at

Event info

Pfarrheim Unterach am Attersee
Kirchenplatz 4, 4866 Unterach am Attersee