
Eröffnung des Themenwegs Arena der Menschenrechte

4661 Roitham am Traunfall
Arena der Menschenrechte
© Arena der Menschenrechte.jpg


Ceremonial opening of the "Arena of Human Rights" theme trail

We cordially invite you to the opening of our “Arena of Human Rights”. This ceremonial opening also marks the end of our main project “Democracy and Human Rights”, which we have organised with schools and associations from the region. Parking is available not far from the car park at the B 135 – B 144 Fischbrathütte junction.

Programme: -Ceremonial opening with music at the starting point

-Joint tour of the themed trail (5 kilometres long) with a guide

-Cosy stop for refreshments near the “Pavilion of Human Rights”

The Traunfall Cultural Heritage Association is looking forward to numerous participants, a pleasant walk together and lively discussions!

Event info

4661 Roitham am Traunfall