Enter the world of the regulars’ table, which becomes a stage and welcomes two guests each from film, radio, television and everyday life. Conceived, produced and hosted by Kira Saskia Schinko, this show presents an entertaining mix of humorous conversations and cabaret.
In five different inns, regulars’ tables and places in the Salzkammergut, people meet to talk and laugh together. Live, analogue and without television or internet transmission. Turn up or you’ll cry – to Austria’s 1st pub show!
Group(s) of regulars for interregional exchange wanted!
Entrepreneurial regulars from the 23 Capital of Culture municipalities can now register via email to stammtisch@salzkammergut-2024.at! With a little luck and imagination, you could be my guest of honour on one of the dates.
Kira Saskia Schinko, Johannes Nittmann, Judith Kinzl (text)
Lisa Edi (photography)
KV Die Schießhalle, Isi Auer (stage)
Julia Ransmayr, Markus Ransmayr (artistic consulting)
Tavern Lab Salzkammergut 2024
Tavern Culture Reloaded: The lab offers renowned chefs, ambitious apprentices and artists a playing field to reimagine traditional regional gastronomy with new culinary skills and innovative concepts.
More about the project at salzkammergut-2024.at