The sessions will take place throughout the weekend in Ebensee, in the Bad Ischl thermal spa for the general public and in the HerzReha hydrotherapy pool, where children from the kindergarten for children with special needs will take part. Floatation will be supported by Watsu practitioners and surreal music by Joel Cahen will invite listeners on a journey through their imagination.
Artistic statement:
I am interested in using the portal that art work offers for the liberation and activation of the participant’s imagination by encouraging interactivity with the environment and objects within it and by stimulating the audience’s resources of curiousity and intelligence. I am particularly interested in the contextualising powers of sound on the attribution of meaning to an experience. This contributes to my interest in psychogeography and dramaturgy as studies of people’s experience of public space and an art production.
I am also interested in polyphony, abstract sound collages and cacophonies. These access the listeners’ cultural references, associations and memory and through breaking these forms, elevate their sound perception beyond the linearity of sonic progression to a holistic daydream state that envelopes the multitude of juxtaposed information.

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