Salzkammergut Culture Guide

Cultural mediation app from hublz: Culture at your fingertips at all times

Analog projects from the Capital of Culture program are transferred to the digital realm and become special experiences for users.

(Original title: Kulturvermittlungs-App hublz Salzkammergut 2024)


hublz GmbH (project organiser)

Stefan Heinisch (Head of Programme Tourism, Mobility, Regional Affairs)

from March 2024

About the project

Together with hublz GmbH, the 2024 European Capital of Culture is developing a cultural education app to accompany its schedule of programming. Analog projects within the schedule of programming of the European Capital of Culture will be transferred to the digital realm using the methods of cultural education and, through this, made into special experiences for the users. hublz develops individualized analog / digital customer projects in the field of culture. Rethinking culture, a “digital companion in space” is created by uses geo references to allow regionally suitable content to pop out around you. Storytelling, a chatbot, gamification and the interactive use of media allow the active participation of a wide variety of users.

The app for the 2024 European Capital of Culture Salzkammergut is intended to provide information, educate through the use of playful elements and create interfaces to other applications and existing digital tourism experiences such as, for example, upperguide by Oberösterreich Tourismus (for example, events, hiking routes as well as mobility / public transportation connections (the ability to query the transportation schedule) as well as information about the closest stops and train stations. A discoverer page provides information about selected content-based projects: digital event introductions, a museum tour, an interactive walk, a scavenger hunt, et cetera. The map view allows users to find interested cultural offerings in the vicinity of their locations; the event page filters events on the basis of the respective focus of interests.

The 2024 European Capital of Culture Salzkammergut app is also intended to remain available after 2024 in the sense of sustainable use in the region for residents and guests.