Opening of the Altaussee Literature Museum

On the 150th Birthday of Hugo von Hoffmannsthal.

New in word, image and sound: the opening of the newly designed Altaussee Literature Museum is dedicated to Hugo von Hofmannsthal.

Subject to change
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904)

Franz Winter, Ausseer Bradlmusi, Salinenkapelle Altaussee(artists)
Helmut Kalss
(project responsibility)

Lisa Neuhuber (Head of Programme remembrance culture)

The Altaussee Literature Museum is a Leader project in the Ennstal-Ausseerland and was supported by the federal government, the province and the EU.


About the project

Altaussee celebrates the Capital of Culture Year with a great European: Hugo von Hofmannsthal spent 34 half years of his life in Ausseerland as a summer guest of his friend and patron Yella Oppenheim. Here he wrote his most important works and initiated the Salzburg Festival with companion Max Reinhardt. The opening of the newly designed Altaussee Literature Museum in words, pictures and sound is dedicated to him. The actor Gerhard Ernst reads texts by Friedrich Torberg from his well-known works, accompanied by atmospheric music

Regular opening hours:
Mon-Sat from 10-12:00 and 14:30-18:00