Next Generation You

Self-Managed Youth Program

How do young people want to live? How do they see the present and the future? What are their concerns and needs? The European Capital of Culture offers young people a platform where they can independently implement their own ideas.

Next Generation You
© Uliana Soboleva

Verena Haidl, Laura Carcioppoli (project management)
Eva Hübler (former project management)
Martin Hollinetz, Otelo eGen (project management)
Young people between the ages of 12 and 25

Christian Haselmayr (Head of Programme Music, Youth, Community Building)

2023 and 2024

About the project

Freely inspired by Frithjof Bergmann, who, in his famous approach “worlds that we want to live in”, dealt with questions about the future and, most of all, how we want to live and work, young people are invited to think about their future and to elaborate projects and program that will express their thoughts. It is an attempt to offer the young people a platform where they can independently realize their own ideas. It will give young people a voice.

The following questions are central: how do young people want to live? How do they want to work? What do they think about politics, education and culture? How do they see the present and the future? What are their concerns and needs? The European Capital of Culture will provide them with support in asking questions and making the first steps toward realization possible. A presentation of all projects and ideas is intended to take place at the end of 2024.

Youth forums will be held in a variety of sub-regions so that the young people can put together their programming for the 2024 European Capital of Culture year themselves, with a budget that they manage themselves. They will be supported and accompanied in the realization of their ideas. The intention is that the ideas are consciously not restricted by theme and selected by a jury, but instead form by themselves from a courage for presentation and a desire for realization.  The only restriction that applies has to do with the violation of human rights.

In addition, the young people who realize a project will also be networked on an interregional basis and invited to expand their own context of activities. The goal is to create a sustainable development of a network a platform beyond the individual projects.
