Microfarmers Conference

Smallholder approaches for the agriculture of the future

The community events at seven farms provide a framework for discussing the diversity of farming culture and agriculture.
The conference on 20 October 2024 offers a platform for farmers, committed citizens, cultural workers and food artisans to engage in a comprehensive dialogue on agriculture, food and the environment and to develop concrete measures to improve the situation of small farmers.

Subject to change
Microfarmers Conference
© Wolfgang Berger

Morgan Ody, Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, Lisa Bolyos and many more (experts, scientists, artists)
Isabella Lang, Janina Zeleny, Lisa Rienesl, Franziskus Forster and the Austrian Small and Mountain Farmers’ Association (project managers)
ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria (project organiser)

Christina Jaritsch (Head of Programme Climate Change, Gender Diversity)

October 2024

About the project

The world is changing – and so are smallholder farming methods. We are currently experiencing many social, ecological and cultural changes, and many social issues are open and controversial in view of the current crises. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear how important diverse, small-scale and sustainable agriculture is for us all. At this conference, the approaches, potentials and challenges of smallholder agriculture will be visualised and discussed.

What is the importance of small-scale farming today and in the future? What makes the farming world diverse, liveable and desirable? What are the problems and potentials? What is needed to improve the situation of smallholders?

The community events will be held at seven farms with experts in 2023 and spring 2024. The aim is to give visibility to communal living models and non-family farm handovers as well as queer rural life. It is a process in which the next generation must be actively involved in order to open up future prospects for them in rural agriculture.

The one-day conference offers a platform for farmers, committed citizens, cultural workers and food artisans to engage in a comprehensive dialogue on agriculture, food and the environment and to develop concrete measures to improve the situation of small farmers.