Land Protection in the Salzkammergut Region

New perspectives for land use and spatial planning

The aim of this project is to stop land consumption and to show approaches for “land-saving” spatial development.

(Original title: Bodenschutz im Salzkammergut)

Bodenschutz im Salzkammergut
© Salzkammergut 2024

Arthur Kanonier, Arthur Schindelegger, Daniel Dutkowski, Elisabeth Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Spatial Planning, Department of Land Policy and Land Management (project managers)

Eva Mair (Head of Programme Building Culture & Crafts)


About the project

Starting from the initiative of the musician Hubert von Goisern, the project team led by Professor Arthur Kanonier of the Vienna University of Technology is realizing the project Bodenschutz im Salzkammergut, or Land Protection in the Salzkammergut Region. The project follows the goal of achieving a raising of the awareness amongst decision makers in terms of a substantial reduction in land consumption. This will take place in advance of the most recently revised land strategy for Austria, which is due to be decided on soon. Within the scope of the project Bodenschutz im Salzkammergut (Land Protection in the Salzkammergut Region), measures contained within this strategy will be dealt with as examples.

The foundation of the project is formed by the collection and preparation of qualitative (and, in part, quantitative) data regarding land consumption in the Salzkammergut region. In doing so, the spatial focal point of the land consumption will be investigated, specific drivers and regional challenges will be identified and points for approaching the overcoming of these challenges will be indicated.

The subsequent workshop especially invites local and regional decision makers to work with the topics of avoiding urban sprawl and efficient interior development (including, amongst others, the recycling of brownfield areas, the mobilization of vacancies, the improvement of land conditions and land availability).  Alongside the political decision makers, the planners who advise the communities as well as those working in the field of regional development are especially invited to take part in the project.

The preparation of the contents of the project will take place in the form of a publication that will present the regional profile regarding land consumption and land protection and which identifies approaches for action and priorities for a “land-saving” spatial development.