Holy Hydra – Next Generation You

The festival laboratory for the region's club event

As an interdisciplinary event in a sacred space, Holy Hydra puts the discourse between club culture, religions and society on a broader level.

Subject to change
Holy Hydra
© Fabian Erblehner

Kulturverein Hydra (project responsibility)
Gmunden Commercial Academy (co-operation)

Christian Haselmayr (Head of Programme Music, Youth, Community Building)

Spring 2024

About the project

As an interdisciplinary event in sacred space (church, cathedral, chapel, synagogue, mosque), Holy Hydra seeks to open up a discourse about club culture, religions and society on a broader level. The location- and space-specific format includes contemporary dance and performances, electronic music and new media art.

The Holy Hydra Festival Lab is included in the projects KirchKlangRaum (Church Sounds) and the New Salt Festival and is part of the programming series for young people Next Generation You. Through active involvement in the processes, it allows young people to immerse themselves in the practical world of events from very early on. The festival lab will begin with a retreat in the fall of 2023. Over the course of regular fixed meetings, process evaluations and with the support of the Holy Hydra team of experts, the main event for 2024 will be planned and realized. Students from the Handelsakademie of Gmunden with a focus on event and media management will develop concepts for the festival within the scope of their studies.
