gmunden.photo2024 – terrible beauty

local landscape

“Terrible Beauty” is above all one thing: a call to action. The debate about ecology and climate change is omnipresent, not just in photography, but in all contemporary art production. This is not a trend, not a wave to be surfed. It is much more: a movement, a concern that must interest us all and shake us up.

Subject to change

Dr. Lisa Ortner Kreil (Kuratorin)
Tom Wallmann, Felix Leutner (Initiatoren)
Felix Friedmann, Sebastian Fröhlich, Julia Gaisbacher, Thomas Gaenszler, Michael Goldgruber, Birgit Graschopf, Rune Guneriussen, Sophie Köchert, Ulrike Königshofer, Mona Kuhn, Christiane Peschek, Agnes Prammer, Barbara Probst, Samira Saidi, Gregor Sailer, Johann Schoiswohl, Paul Spendier, Margherita Spiluttini, Massimo Vitali, Yang Yongliang (Künstler*innen)

Simone Barlian (Programmleitung Bildende Kunst)
Teresa Kranawetter (Assistenz Bildende Kunst)

July 2024

About the project

This year’s edition of is dedicated to the theme of “landscape”: no other genre has experienced a comparable revival in recent years. While the landscape was once considered unsuspicious and almost irrelevant, in the context of the diverse man-made threats and risks facing the planet, the landscape has also undergone a major transformation and politicization in its artistic representation. Biodiversity and species extinction, tourism, glacier melt, migration, resistance and digital landscape – the focus of this year’s edition is on very different topics. The title TERRIBLE BEAUTY is aimed at the tension between traditional, romanticized memories, ideas and images of landscape and the multiple grievances and crises in the context of climate change. 2024 brings together 20 positions of national and international photographic art.

three local positions, supported by Salzkammergut 2024