G/R/E/T/E, the sky is falling

Salzkammergut in Bewegung

A composition with an audience is created along the paths and across the meadows around the lake railway station and landing stage.

G/R/E/T/E, der Himmel fällt
© Isabel Robson

Oska Borcherding (Greece), Johanna Magdalena Jörns (Germany), Vera Shchelkina (Russia), Felipe Soto (Chile), Zsombor Szabo (Hungary), Diana Thielen (Germany), MA Choreography students, HZT Berlin (artists)
Wanda Golonka, Ingo Reulecke, Isabel Robson, Susanne Vincenz (MA Choreography programme team, HZT Berlin) (project managers)
maC HZT Berlin (project organiser)
Plateau Blo (project partner)

Maria Neumayr-Wimmer (Head of Production)
Carla Ohler (Production)

27 - 29/06/2024

About the project

Choreographer Wanda Golonka and her international students from the Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT) Berlin embark on a choreographic journey of discovery through Gmunden. This journey becomes a dialogue between performers and audience, a social sculpture inspired by dancer Grete Wiesenthal who left her mark in Salzkammergut, between rural idyll and the bourgeois of more than a century ago. Here, they develop a proposal for how we can encounter the contemporary world of today.
