Chronically unwritten

A place participatively develops its new chronicle

The project invites the population of Unterach to actively participate in the development process of the new community chronicle.

(Original title: Chronisch ungeschrieben)

Schiff Unterach bei Anlegestelle ca 1945
© Brost

Municipality of Unterach (project organiser)
Christina Burda (project management)

Lisa Neuhuber (Head of Programme remembrance culture)

Autumn 2023 to 2024

About the project

Two chronicles exist about the community of Unterach, both of which, however, omit important historical facts. The period of the 1930s and 40s as well as the topic of migration are to be integrated into a new version, taking into account more recent historical findings and following on from the last one published in 1990. The project would like to call upon the population of Unterach to actively participate in the development process.

Workshops on the culture of remembrance, cooperation with educational institutions and the possibility to upload documents and sources independently via a public computer are planned. In the fall of 2024, the interim results will be presented and published in a follow-up project.