Behind the Scenes

Work, Local, International

“Behind every fence gallery that goes out into the world from the Salzkammergut, there is also the labour of people who have come in from different parts of the world.”
Based on this aptly succinct statement, Alenka Maly’s film project looks at the history of migrants who contribute to the success of the celebrated Salzkammergut tourist region from the backstage.

(Original title: Hinter den Kulissen)

Hinter den Kulissen
© Roland Freinschlag

Alenka Maly (director)
Roland Freinschlag (camera)
Paul Schuberth (Music)
Ina Fischer (sound)
Morteza Zahedi (Assistance)
Ružica Milicevic (idea and content support)
Birgit Scheutz, Kurt Lux (support)
Raghda Alkabalan, Ilija Gavrić, Hashmat Mirzai, Ibadete Shashivari Ahmet and Greg Thaniseb (protagonists)

Eva Mair, Christina Jaritsch (Head of Programme Building Culture, Crafts)

2023 - 2024

About the project

The Salzkammergut is internationally recognised as a tourism and recreation region, where countless workers keep things running in the background and thus maintain the successful Salzkammergut brand. Without them, many sectors of the economy would grind to a halt. Some of them arrived in the region many years ago, and their children and grandchildren were born here. Others have only recently arrived.

In this film, Ilija from Bosnia, Raghda from Syria, Greg from Namibia, Ibadete from Kosovo and Hashmat from Afghanistan talk about the sometimes dramatic circumstances that brought them to Austria, how they were welcomed, how their lives have changed and what made them stay here.