An evening in the Salzkammergut's most spectacular sound space
A saltworks is a place for extracting salt, isn’t it? It is also a very special place to get a taste for the crystalline basic structures of Bruckner’s music.
A saltworks is a place for extracting salt, isn’t it? It is also a very special place to get a taste for the crystalline basic structures of Bruckner’s music.
Experts from architecture, the humanities, cultural and social sciences, the visual and performing arts, and the culinary arts will analyze and explore the potentials, connections, and interfaces of future-oriented building culture and applied practice.
In her installations, Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota deals with themes and contexts of human existence. In the tunnels of the former concentration camp, the artist has created an installation consisting of red ropes and 25 larger-than-life clothes.
Three different art exhibitions of a special kind at three locations: During the Second World War, Hitler and the most important Austrian museums and art dealers used the Salzkammergut to bring masterpieces of European art history to safety or to protect museum collections from destruction.
(Original title: Die Reise der Bilder)
Tavern Culture Reloaded: The lab offers renowned chefs, ambitious apprentices and artists a playing field to reimagine traditional regional gastronomy with new culinary skills and innovative concepts.
(Original title: Wirtshauslabor Salzkammergut 2024)
It was once called “white gold”: salt is a crucial element for the entire Salzkammergut region; even today it remains an important trade good, which leads some to prosperity and a few to richness.
Regional empty spaces as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in them and to activate them with artistic contributions.
Culture always means daring to begin. Therefore, the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 and all 23 municipalities want to venture out together with the OÖ KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 towards the end of this year. This departure should be a jump into a new consciousness, to dare to start again and again.
© Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024 GmbH
© Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl – Salzkammergut 2024 GmbH