Culture in Motion

The need for a clear cultural identity seems to be comprehensible in a world where everything is globally dependent upon each other. But is this so clearly demonstrable? The French philosopher François Jullien states that the nature of culture is change. Customs, traditions or a shared language are seen as resources that are generally available to all and which can be used in a wide variety of ways.

Culture in Motion

The need for a clear cultural identity seems to be comprehensible in a world where everything is globally dependent upon each other. But is this so clearly demonstrable? The French philosopher François Jullien states that the nature of culture is change. Customs, traditions or a shared language are seen as resources that are generally available to all and which can be used in a wide variety of ways.
Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion KCulture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion KCulture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion Culture in Motion

#000000 (Schwarz) – #FFD700 (Gold) – #228B22 (Waldgrün)

An exhibition by Nick Oberthaler, Lise Lebleux, Clara Lemercier Gemptel, Ugo Sébastião

The artists combined painting, photography and a sound installation in the exhibition “#000000 (black) – #FFD700 (gold) – #228B22 (forest green)” in the Bad Ischl post office building.

A portrait of the writer Hansjörg Zauner by Judith Zillich

The show is dedicated to the Obertraun writer and visual artist Hansjörg Zauner (*1959; † 2017), who was the model for Judith Zillich’s painting for ten years.

(Original title: Ein Dichter aus Obertraun/Zauner/Zillich)

a reading with Bodo Hell

On March 22, the Capital of Culture organized a reading with Bodo Hell. The FriesacherFrauenZimmer are also taking part. A home evening of a special kind.

(Original title: Ein Leben für den Dachstein – Ein Abend mit dem Dichter und Almhirten Bodo Hell)

Operetta in two acts (1932) by Oscar Straus

In a breathless tour de force, the consummate performers Dagmar Manzel and Max Hopp act and sing their way through 20 characters using power and slapstick. The glamour queen and operetta diva Manon Cavallini can turn the head of any man.

(Original title: Eine Frau, die weiß, was sie will!)

Innovative ceramics - Regional - International

Gmundner Keramik and OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH have created a new format with the Academy of Ceramics. The center of the focus is placed on the shared firing and the exchange between one of the oldest locations for the production of ceramics in Europe and internationally renowned contemporary artists.

Photo Art Project: Portraits of Extraordinary Senior Citizens in the Salzkammergut Region

Portraits will be made of “mature supermodels” in extraordinary outfits – from the modern, hip and wild all the way to the traditional, old-timey, classical, from “grand dames et messieurs” all the way to simple Sunday fashion. The aged Salzkammergut region in all of its facets. The portraits will be displayed in exhibitions in the elderly care facilities in order to open them up as well as to experience them as places of art and encounters.

(Original title: Åhnlroas – Alt:Neu:modisch)

One touch - Distant and yet very close

Xenia Hausner, an internationally renowned artist, painter and stage designer who is well connected with the Salzkammergut region faces the societal and existential problems of our time in her first sculptural work.

A garden becomes public

AVANTGARD/EN is an extended artist-in-residence programme at the Carmelite Convent in Gmunden and contributes to making the garden a place of public dialogue, encounter, reflection and cultural exchange that brings together people from different backgrounds and perspectives to negotiate the present.



A museum reinvents itself

The Bartlhaus Writing Museum  celebrates the Capital of Culture Year with a series of exciting presentations and, as a project partner, opens the house to new perspectives and current positions from May to October 2024.

(Original title: Schriftmuseum Bartlhaus)

A film by Bashir Qonqar

A film about the personal story of the Palestinian director and artist Bashir Qonqar, who had to leave Bethlehem and started a new life in Bad Goisern.

An evening in the Salzkammergut's most spectacular sound space

A saltworks is a place for extracting salt, isn’t it? It is also a very special place to get a taste for the crystalline basic structures of Bruckner’s music.

In her installations, Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota deals with themes and contexts of human existence. In the tunnels of the former concentration camp, the artist has created an installation consisting of red ropes and 25 larger-than-life clothes.


Music with history and the present

Under the direction of Martin Haselböck, the KIRCH’KLANG Festival (Church Sounds Festival) fills the venerable spaces of the Salzkammergut region with innovative content, familiar and brand-new sounds as well as unusual formats.

(Original title: Kirch.Klang.Raum)

The ground floor of the Art Nouveau villa at Bahnhofstrasse 13 in Vorchdorf was made available to the people of Vorchdorf for the year 2024 with a unanimous decision by the municipal council regarding the activities in the Capital of Culture year.

By Alix Eynaudi with Han-Gyeol Lie and Paul Kotal

Death By Landscape, EXCERPT: a pre-premiere, a second night, Janet, a cadence out of time, une balade dans le bois, a melody sung in darkness, a sting removed by fiction,a waste of time, an act of archeography, a thank-you-dance, a dance to under-grow.

arts, culture and policies in Europe and Africa

Co-creation instead of colonial reservation: The Creative Europe project Deconfining Arts, Culture, and Policies in Europe and Africa (in short: Deconfining) builds bridges for sustainable, fair intercontinental cultural exchange and thus contributes to the implementation of the EU strategy for international cultural relations.

Interactive exhibition

Digitalisation is everywhere and is influencing all areas of life and work. It is up to all of us to familiarise ourselves with new technologies and take advantage of the resulting benefits.

Where the Sun Rises

Interdisciplinary Impulses for a Cultural Center in Rural Alpine Space.
The Woferlstall Bad Mitterndorf has been programmed by the assocition E.I.K.E Forum since 2013. The impulse program East End Salzkammergut – Where the Sun Rises uses interdisciplinary formats to incorporate regional and European partners and participants and approaches local as well as regional challenges in their European dimensions.

(Original title: East End Salzkammergut – Wo die Sonne aufgeht)

A fantastic round dance by Heiner Goebbels

Proceeding from the First World War, “Everything That Happened and Would Happen” takes place in a location filled with props from the past. 16 musicians and performers deal with the challenges of the present and various ideas for the future.

The Declaration of Human Rights in light/visuals and sound

Flood is a dynamic projection mapping on the Johann Nestroy School building in Bad Ischl that the media artists Ruth Schnell and Martin Kusch have adapted for the 2024 European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut. The facade of the building will become part of the spectacular animation whose visual basis is the text of International Bill of Rights, first adopted in 1948, which now comprises 30 articles and 17 additional articles.

During the Cultural Capital Year, the Landungsplatz Train Station in Ebensee will derail, transforming into a realm of tangible, self-determined imagination.

(Original title: vogelfrei)

Young people shape the future: Street art in public space

Future is Now! is a participatory art project that aims to make young people’s visions of the future visible in public spaces with the help of graffiti and street art.

The Interplay Between Human Being and Nature 

A sculpture becomes a small-scale ecosystem that functions according to the plans and laws of nature.

(Original title: Global Home – Kulturpfad St. Konrad)

local landscape

“Terrible Beauty” is above all one thing: a call to action. The debate about ecology and climate change is omnipresent, not just in photography, but in all contemporary art production. This is not a trend, not a wave to be surfed. It is much more: a movement, a concern that must interest us all and shake us up.

Music and ecology

Within the scope of the newly conceived Goisern Music Days, the state music school, which successfully conducted master classes and workshops for three decades, is placing a focus on contemporary music for the first time.

(Original title: Goiserer Musiktage für zeitgenössische Musik)

A personal experience in five days.

From your bathroom through a church, alpine meadows and stony deserts back into your daily life.
Numerous conversations with hikers, experts in futurology, church visitors and alpine pasture operators have resulted in a precisely composed audio piece whose tracks are assigned to specific stations along the way.

(Original title: Großer Welt-Raum-Weg)

Living in extremis

As part of the multi-part format, young people in dialogue with the region face the housing and living issues of the future and develop new impulses, perspectives and approaches with the residents.

(Original title: Hallstatt Denkwerkstatt 2024)

Comics tell history

Stories in pictures pictures have offered a unique and touching access to our history since the beginning of time. The German comic artist Simon Schwartz is a master of the form and shows how up close and personal the experience of contemporary history can be.

(Original title: Verborgen im Fels. Der Berg, das Salz & die Kunst)

In search of lost times and new hopes

A unique drama project for the Salzkammergut and the world in collaboration with the German State Theatre in Timisoara/Romania.

(Original title: Heimat-Welt)

Letter culture between private and public

The project invites people to reread letters from their own environment and make them available to us: Because these personal documents reflect the life of the region, contemporary events and their impact on the lives of the authors.

(Original title: Briefgeheimnisse interaktiv)

Traunseetram stops become public art spaces

The Traunseetram, both an inner-city means of transport and a regional train, connects people with cultural capital locations, history, tradition and modernity. Passengers experience sustainable art (installations) at stops and thus also visions of energy and mobility.

The grand Finale

Culture always means daring to begin. Therefore, the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 and all 23 municipalities want to venture out together with the OÖ KulturEXPO Anton Bruckner 2024 towards the end of this year. This departure should be a jump into a new consciousness, to dare to start again and again.

Communities and Culture On Screen

The Kulturverein Kino Ebensee and Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz present a joint, two-part project that uses the medium of film to enable a low-threshold exploration of the topic of community and different forms of social and cultural coexistence.

Musical by Aksel-Otto Bull and Gisele Kverndokk

World premiere at Musical Frühling Gmunden 2023. Since 2015, theater makers Elisabeth Sikora and Markus Olzinger have been establishing Gmunden as a venue for Austrian and German-language premiere performances in what is probably the most modern genre in theater history, the musical.

(Original title: Briefe an Ruth)

At the “Marketplace of Ideas”, artists, creatives, entrepreneurs & politicians exchanged ideas about the submissions and the projects to be realized in the Capital of Culture year.

(Original title: Marktplatz der Ideen)

A living installation in the Lederermayerhaus

A house becomes a place of exchange of living history of its surroundings. The history of the Lederermayerhaus dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. Among other things, it was the location of a fishmonger and the house of a Lederer trade. It was farm and a loving cat house, cared for by its last owner.

(Original title: Museum der Erinnerung)

Regional Traditional Instruments Meet Contemporary Electronic Music

This project combines traditional instruments such as the zither, dulcimer and fife with contemporary electronic music. The sound characteristics of traditional and nearly vanished instruments from the region will be paired with new and unusual styles of playing.

(Original title: Musikmaschine)

Female Joie de Vivre Up Until Old Age

The special exhibition is dedicated to the biographies of 25 women between the ages of 63 and 103 along various living environments.

(Original title: Mein Kleiderkasten – weibliche Lebensfreude bis ins hohe Alter)

Self-Managed Youth Program

How do young people want to live? How do they see the present and the future? What are their concerns and needs? The European Capital of Culture offers young people a platform where they can independently implement their own ideas.

a (living) audio theater in the Traunsee Tram

The train as a place of everyday anonymity and fleeting encounters becomes the setting for the complex travel and life routes of some of the passengers.

(Original title: Unterwegs – ein (lebendiges) Hörtheater in der Traunseetram)

A nomadic project on a quest

Prosperity (Afterparty) is a project with many controversies. By illuminating the themes from a wide range of disciplines, a continuous discourse results. Among other things, opposites such as the standstill of tradition and the further development of technology are negotiated. Gaps are filled between history and the future. Urban-elitist understanding of art meets rural romanticisation of art.

(Original title: Wohlstand Afterparty)

Communities in dialogue

A networking project of Austria’s independent media. This project is an exchange and networking event with workshops, small conference and discourse events between international partners and representatives of the independent media in Austria within the scope of the 2024 Capital of Culture.

Culture and reading furniture for public space.

A piece of furniture as a place where culture and reading come together. A place that encourages residents to linger and enables both encounters and retreats.

(Original title: LESEBANK.2024)

one for all, all for one

With the European Capitals of Culture, impulses are set, models of the future are worked on and cultural developments are conceived with art and sent out into the world: it is a matter of the unifying visionary power that Europe, just like the Salzkammergut region, has and needs through cultural diversity. We are living in times in which Europe has to find its position in the world anew and, in doing so, it is not only a matter of shared rules, guidelines and bureaucracy, but instead much more about the question of the role of culture as a source of power that provides identity.

a fairy tale of salt and ice

A visually stunning children’s music theatre project inspired by the legends, salt mines and ice caves of the Austrian Salzkammergut with the artistic vision of  pop-up paper sculptures, origami techniques and paper engineering.

Loosely based on "Kali – eine Vorwintergeschichte" by Peter Handke

Paschen (a rhythmic clapping tradition in the Salzkammergut region), a former salt mine and a novel by Peter Handke: the mobile chamber opera by Gerhard Stäbler is the mythic journey of a woman into the land of her childhood.

Queer Communities in Rural Areas

In order to facilitate the exchange of experiences among like-minded people and seekers also in rural areas, the women’s* drop-in centres contribute to the establishment of a queer community in the Salzkammergut with this project. The aim is to provide a home base and infrastructure for an active community that will exist beyond the project period. The second goal is an experimental short film series and artistic photo positions that convey queer life in the Salzkammergut via social media.

Until We Are More Than Gold: A Triptych

Selma Selman – romni artist and activist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who currently lives between Bihać, Ružica, Amsterdam and New York, takes a stand in Salzkammergut

Kulturmittwoch in den Schulen integriert

As part of the European Capital of Culture 2024, a Culture Wednesday will be introduced into the schools, daycare facilities and educational institutions.

(original title: SKUL (Schule Kultur Lernen))

Art project in public space

SOLANGE (German for AS LONG AS) is a participatory and dialogue-oriented art project in public space that aims to raise awareness and draw attention to inequalities.

“Beauty is only beautiful when it is impermanent” - Grace Ellen Barkey

As part of the Capital of Culture 2024, artist Grace Ellen Barkey is showing the installations “Solastalgia” in Bahnhof Landungsplatz Ebensee and “Windows and Mosaic of Leaves” in Kalvarienbergkirche Gosau.