Solmaz Khorsand

Solmaz Khorsand
© Hannah Heibl
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More about the contributor

Solmaz Khorsand (*1985 Vienna) is a journalist, author and podcaster. She has worked as an editor for the Wiener Zeitung, Die Zeit,, the monthly magazine Datum and the Swiss magazine Republik. Master’s degree in International Relations and Economics from Johns Hopkins University (USA). Khorsand’s work ranges from essays on Austrian domestic politics to reports from Belarus and election coverage from Iran. Her essay “The Iranian Transformation” was one of the best stories of 2017 and she was honoured with the Vienna Journalist Award 2018 for her work. Her book “Pathos” was published in 2021 (Verlag Kremayr&Scheriau) and her latest book “untertan. Of good and rebellious lemmings. (Leykam Verlag).



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