Sofia Podreka

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More about the contributor

Sofia Podreka studied Industrial Design together with Katrin Radanitsch at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and at the Denmark Design Skole in Copenhagen. They graduated with distinction and successfully participated in competitions and exhibitions. Together with their network of freelancers and specialists, the people behind dottings.

dottings, the office for industrial design, is active in the fields of product, light, furniture and public
public space. dottings is all about creating designs with intelligent, honest solutions for its clients.

“Clever product design of various kinds must always be able to do more than simply look good. We deliberately interpret the term “industrial design” in a broad sense and also like to move into areas that are still untouched by product design and can therefore handle a lot of it. We develop products from concept to series production.”


Salzkammergut’sche Lesebank
Culture and reading furniture for public space.

A piece of furniture as a place where culture and reading come together. A place that encourages residents to linger and enables both encounters and retreats.

(Original title: LESEBANK.2024)