Jakub Vrba

Ana de Almeida, Jakub Vrba und Christian Wimplinger
© JakubVrba
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Ana de Almeida, Jakub Vrba and Christian Wimplinger are a collective of artists and writers. They come from Lisbon, Karlovy Vary and Waldzell. Together they deal with individual and collective memory and memory processes from a socio-political perspective. They work with water, text, sound and mixed media; with archives and installation essays.

Ana de Almeida, Jakub Vrba and Christian Wimplinger work and live together in Vienna and in Altmünster am Traunsee.


Underwater: place of writing, not voice

A trio of artists deals with the sinking of books in Ebensee in 1934.

(Original title: Brandungen – die Entstehung der Sprache aus dem Wasser)