CROSSING EUROPE Filmfestival Linz

Sabine Gebetsroither & Katharina Riedler, Festivalleitung CROSSING EUROPE
© Violetta Wakolbinger
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CINEMA WITHOUT BORDERS! Each year, Austria’s third-largest film festival (after Viennale and Diagonale) presents its movie going public with the everyday lives and new points of view from all over Europe for six full days and, since 2004, has also dedicated itself to the current film work of the new generation of European filmmakers: films that distinguish themselves through unconventional, courageous and at time controversial artistic access points or also new forms of narrative. These make up the programming just as much as current sociopolitical topics or the negotiation of European reality which mark and enrich this schedule of film programming.

The festival is directed by Sabine Gebetsroither and Katharina Riedler.


Communities and Culture On Screen

The Kulturverein Kino Ebensee and Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz present a joint, two-part project that uses the medium of film to enable a low-threshold exploration of the topic of community and different forms of social and cultural coexistence.