Application Phase 2: Final Selection
Through the development of the Bidbook for the pre-selection round and a successful hearing at the end of the first phase, the Salzkammergut made it into the final selection round – the shortlist.
In this second phase, various new formats were devised to continue to engage with the people of the region. A first regional meeting took place on July 4, 2019. The rest of the summer the team were out and about with their mobile office across the Salzkammergut.
The end of the final selection phase and deadline for the final bidbook was in Autumn 2019. At the same time, the team prepared for the visit of the international Capital of Culture jury to the Salzkammergut on November 8, 2019. This time the focus was on details of implementation, concrete plans and a further developed program.
The final decision as to which of the three Austrian application initiatives (Dornbirn +, St. Pölten or the Salzkammergut) would be European Capital of Culture in 2024 was made on November 12, 2019.
We did it!!

Mobile Office Tour
In 2019, we were on the road with our mobile office in the region. The last dates:
August 16, 2019, 10 a.m., Bad Ischl market in front of Eduscho / Sparkasse (KulturKaleidoskop with Free Radio Salzkammergut)
August 16, 2019, 3 p.m., Bad Ischl Kaiserbummel, k.u.k. umbrella
August 17, 2019 all day, Bad Ischl Kreuzplatz, in front of Hrovat’s coffee van
August 24, 2019, 10 a.m., Ebensee market (KulturKaleidoskop with Free Radio Salzkammergut)
29 August 2019, 10 a.m., Bad Aussee market (KulturKaleidoskop with Free Radio Salzkammergut)
September 3, 2019, 10 a.m., Hallstatt market (KulturKaleidoskop with Free Radio Salzkammergut)
Kultur.Kaleidoskop. (Culture.Kaleidoscope.)
We designed part of our Mobile Office Tour with Free Radio Salzkammergut. Together we drove to the weekly markets in the region to discuss local issues with various guests. The conversations would be broadcast live on the radio and offered passers-by the opportunity to address comments or questions to the group.
The discussions followed on from challenges, questions or current events in the respective locations:
Art and culture as a motor for urban and regional development in Bad Ischl
Counterculture in the countryside – resistance as potential in Ebensee
Returnees from the creative industries, art and culture in Bad Aussee
The tension between mass tourism and the educational nature of the location in Hallstatt