Helmut Wittmann tells magical tales of trees and legends from the Totes Gebirge, accompanied on the harp by Andrea Roitner. A magical hour at the woodpassage on the Almsee.
The book “Sagenhaft wandern im Salzkammergut” can be signed on request!
Use the public transport of the OÖVV and the Salzkammergut Shuttle Service to get here! The OÖVV bus line 534 will take you to the event and you can also travel back to the Almtalbahn afterwards.
Note: The car park at the Almsee is subject to a charge, € 5/day – payment by card or coins possible.
The Temporal Forest & Woodpassage
The focus is on the landscape, which has been heavily characterised by salt mining and industry in recent centuries.
More about the project at salzkammergut-2024.at