Barbara Ungepflegt

Barbara Ungepflegt
© Barbara Ungepflegt
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Barbara Ungepflegt is a Vienna-based performance and installation artist. Since 2010 she shows her works in Vienna, Linz, Graz, Budapest, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Bologna, Zurich, Lucerne, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Helsinki, Malta, Bergen, Lisbon, Tokyo, among others. Founder and head of the university programme for applied dramaturgy (2017 – 2023) at the mdw, 2020 Fellow at the IFK, winner of the Dissident Goddesses Prize, 2022 PhD at the University of Art and Design Linz on the topic of ‘Exclusive Blank Spaces’.



Regional empty spaces as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in them and to activate them with artistic contributions.