
7th World Salon: “Better to govern a desert than a country full of heretics”

War, Expulsion, Collective Trauma - Coercive Rule from the Time of Counter-Reform to the Present Day

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© Ben Goode


War, Expulsion, Collective Trauma - Coercive Rule from the Time of Counter-Reform to the Present Day

19:00 Station theatre
20:00 Discussion

Discussion with: Erich Landsteiner (Institute for Social and Economic History, University of Vienna), Herfried Münkler (Professor, Institute for Social Sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin), and others, moderated by: Peter Huemer (historian)
Rotary Club Gmunden Traunsee (project organiser)

The oppressive forced rule of a Bavarian governor led to an uprising that culminated in the horrors of the Upper Austrian Peasants’ War in 1626. Similar events can still be read today from the consequences of the counter-reformation expulsion of that time. Ort Lake Castle, the seat of the governor at the time and close to the decisive battle of Gmunden, is the starting point for discussing the connections between ideology and religion as an instrument of power, between regional and world history – moderated by historian Peter Huemer. A station theatre by the “Tatort Theater” group from BRG/BORG Schloss Traunsee accompanies this world salon.

World Salon

The World Salon takes up the idea of the historical salon concept as a social meeting place between the public and private spheres, as a place of exchange on topics such as politics, culture and economics. Representatives of communities and experts discuss historical immigration and emigration.
More about the project at

Event info

Seeschloss Ort
Ort 1, 4810 Gmunden