
Totes Gebirge / Lichens / Barricades

Johann Schoiswohl

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Salt Lake Cities
© Johann Schoiswohl


Johann Schoiswohl worked at the Scharnstein-Mühldorf railway station

Saturday 4/5 14-17:00 – Blue printing & painting with algae / children’s workshop with Ulla Szwajor & Jakob Krinzinger
Saturday 1/6 14-17:00 – Building barricades / Idea & practice with Johann Schoiswohl

1/6 – 2/6 14-19:00 – Totes Gebirge / lichen / barricades (building)
12/7 – 13/7 14-19:00 – Totes Gebirge / lichen / barricades (building)

The Dead Mountains form the basis for the artistic work at Scharnstein railway station. Through years of artistic & alpinistic occupation with the Totes Gebirge, the mountain landscape has become a familiar space. Movement through the mountains – walking – is also an important aspect of the exploration of the landscape. Of course, hiking together with friends is also of central importance here. The joint exploration of the Totes Gebirge will be expressed in various artistic works. The lichen, which can be found everywhere in the mountains, depicts this commonality. In the artistic realisation, screen prints will be made from the collected lichen. Photos will also document the time spent in the Totes Gebirge. These can be printed or shown in the form of slides. The Scharnstein railway station will act as a base camp and will continue to develop. During excursions to the Totes Gebirge, artistic ideas will be tried out and realised together with other artists. New observations and collages of the Totes Gebirge can be created in workshops with children.

Rail replacement service on the Almtal railway line from 1/6. to 26/7/2024

Salt Lake Cities

Regional empty spaces as places of experience and meeting points for art: the Capital of Culture 2024 invites young artists from Germany and abroad to research, live and work in these spaces and to activate them with artistic contributions.
More about the project at

Sharing Salzkammergut – Die Kunst des Reisens

Event info

Bahnhof Scharnstein-Mühldorf
Bahnhofstraße, 4644 Scharnstein
