
Better mountain biking

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Besser Mountainbike
© Volker Weihbold


The market town of Ebensee invites the local mountain bike community to an information and discussion evening in the Trauungssaal on 21 May 2024 (7 pm).
First, there will be information on the previous IDAs in Gmunden (21 March) and Altmünster (10 April) as well as the steps and goals of the initiative. Markus Pekoll, Styria’s regional MTB coordinator, will then provide insights into his successful work at the interface between the region, tourism and the community. Markus is also a former world-class downhill pro and coach to DH World Cup winner and runner-up Andreas Kolb.

Afterwards, the survey results and aspects relating to the region will be openly discussed and ideas for improving the current situation around biking will be forged together while networking. If you want to make a difference when it comes to mountain biking in Ebensee and the Traunsee region, don’t miss this opportunity!

More about the project European Peace Ride

Event info

Marktgemeindeamt Ebensee