Bill Fontana

Bill Fontana mit Glocke
© Luca Bagnoli
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More about the contributor

(born 25 April 1947 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American sound artist who studied philosophy at John Carroll University and the New School in New York City and music at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
Bill Fontana has been using sound as a sculptural medium since the late 1960s. Since 1976 he has called his works sound sculptures.
Metropolis Cologne (60 min), Metropolis Stockholm (60 min) and Satellite Earbridge/Soundbridge Cologne San Francisco (60 min) are sound portraits of major cities produced by WDR. He has created over 50 sound sculptures and 20 radio sculptures, some of them intercontinental. Bill Fontana’s sound sculptures have been installed in many places: New York, San Francisco, Hawaii, Alaska, Berlin, Cologne, Paris, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Thailand, Australia and Japan.
Since the 1990s, Fontana has been using airborne sound transducers (microphones), liquid sound transducers (hydrophones) and acceleration sensors for his works.


A sound installation between Notre Dame Cathedral and the ice caves on the Dachstein.

The US artist Bill Fontana is developing a sound sculpture as an artistic statement on the consequences of climate change.

Music and ecology

Within the scope of the newly conceived Goisern Music Days, the state music school, which successfully conducted master classes and workshops for three decades, is placing a focus on contemporary music for the first time.

(Original title: Goiserer Musiktage für zeitgenössische Musik)