
1st World Salon: “Europe in transition”

Hangover breakfast

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© Ben Goode


In discussion: Herfried Münkler, Nava Ermani, Mwanza Mujila Fiston, Aleida Assmann
Eva-Maria Voigtländer (dramaturgy)

World salon: a meeting place to understand how the region has been shaped by migration, between discourse and concerts.

Still today, the Salzkammergut region remains a magnet for people who are seeking work in the fields of tourism, business or also care work. While migratory movements in the past were often determined by political and religious factors, today it is increasingly economically motivated with all of its challenges for the long-established and newcomers alike. The world salon draws upon salon culture as a societal meeting place between the public and private spheres – as a place for exchange about politics, culture and economics. Representatives of communities and experts will discuss historical immigration and emigration as well as make music. This will result in learning from one another.

World Salon

The World Salon takes up the idea of the historical salon concept as a social meeting place between the public and private spheres, as a place of exchange on topics such as politics, culture and economics. Representatives of communities and experts discuss historical immigration and emigration.
More about the project at

Macht und Tradition, Kultur im Fluss

Event info

Stallungen der Kaiservilla