
Expedition rally

A tour of future initiatives in the municipality of Bad Mitterndorf

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EINLADUNG Expeditionsrallye zu Zukunftsinitiativen
© E.I.K.E. Forum Bad Mitterndorf


In 6 stations, special initiatives, projects and companies are presented with a focus on their particular relevance to the future.

The expedition rally ends with a buffet dinner at the Hotel Kogler. Bicycles are the preferred means of transport between the stations, but it is also possible to walk (cars can be used if necessary).


  • 9.00 From vision to realisation: The Gut Leben und Wohnen im Alter project with Mayor Veronika Grill
  • 9.45 New reuse in the town centre: The BM4 coworking space with Stefan Skrobar
  • 10.30 Woferlstall – space for art and culture with Daniela Vergud and Sonja Neukirchen
  • 11.15 Opportunity space for renewable energy: Energiepunkt Bad Mitterndorf with Herbert Hansmann
  • 12.15 Alternatives to concrete gold: The Grubegg nature and culture site with Ferdinand Böhme
  • 13.15 Recycling management, circular economy and sustainability in tourism: The example of Hotel Kogler with Johannes Kogler
  • 14.00 – Joint finale with buffet (subject to charge)

At the “Zukunftsbühne Hinterberg”

The “Zukunftsbühne Hinterberg” is the focus of the Capital of Culture activities of the E.I.K.E.-Forum – Woferlstall focuses on “New perspectives for rural regions beyond the mainstream”. It searches for traces of future potential and innovative approaches in the region.

More about the project at

Event info

Grimminghalle Bad Mitterndorf
Bad Mitterndorf 350, 8983 Bad Mitterndorf